Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lorena Herrera Desuda

FESTIVAL SAN REMO 2011: Giusy Ferreri E 'ROCK! the interview.

The first time I met Giusy Ferreri was to X Factor in 2008, Dov ' finished second. Talented and original, but also self-ironic and cheeky.
Today, the eve of his participation in the Sanremo Festival, I'm dealing with a much more aggressive Giusy. Starting from the photos in circulation these days, definitely rock.

I wonder if it is the same as three years ago, or if I missed something in the meantime. "This is the real me - answer me - X Factor while there was only a successful introduction of myself. I have added a musical style very clear, was the period of the sound of Amy Winehouse and Duffy and saw me in that world. I had fun, some of Giusy is linked to the blues. Then came the miracle of collaboration with Tiziano Ferro. If at the end of that path I had just submitted my novel would not have come clearly to the public. But
already dreaming of speaking with thicker sound to give vent to my voice. "

Just as those arising in the stage of the Ariston with her single The immense sea. A melodic rock that speaks of love, the fruit the collaboration between her and Max Calò Bulgarian. "Canto a liberating message of universal love. What makes me feel good but is also suffering, in a society where we do not care so hectic. Love is the most important of human existence. " The

think that way, even a rocker Francesco Sarcina? Apparently yes, as Giuseppe has chosen the leader of the group The Vibrators Sanremo for the evening of duets. "I asked him to accompany me - answer me - because I wanted my side were a member of an Italian band. Singing with a band is one of my greatest desires. In Italy there are not many and with him are also linked by a relationship of friendship. "

A wish that comes true in part, because of the festival will go up on stage with some of his musicians. And that has threatened to take place also last year, still at Sanremo, when it was proposed to participate with the Crush.
Ironically, in 2011 the Sanremo Italian duo Giuseppe and compete against.
"It went okay, the one proposed a year ago was interpreted melodically too high for me and therefore at risk, even though I was very attracted to. The choice has played a positive with my intentions, not to go to the Festival in 2010 and published a collection of covers. "

Cover including Hello Love Hello Luigi Tenco, sad song Sanremo linked to the suicide of the singer in 1967.
"True, although its removal at the time was not the only cause of this tragic event. As for me, however, the Ariston live with great enthusiasm, I just want to go on stage with my evolution, to finally establish that this is me. "

New Giusy that from the talent show - which says to be very beneficial - flies to San Francisco to record their new album, My universe. Exit
February 16, contains four songs written entirely by you and is produced by Corrado Rustici, the same as Aretha Franklin, De Gregori and Ligabue to name but a few.

And Giusy aggressive, what do Belen and Canalis think? "I'm very charming and sunny. Suited to the role of Sanremo. Elizabeth then, is very nice. "

Who knows what awaits us after bisser Sanremo and if the success of Gaetana, his first collection.
Meanwhile, I have a proposal in July will be the only Italian date of Amy Winehouse and beg, "Please, you go to that concert, it would be great! If not, we go together. "
She smiles and says, "If we are free, safe." Thanks

by Anthony Paone and



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