Monday, February 28, 2011

Kidney Problems More Condition_treatment

The Ethicist Bruce Chatwin goes

How sad! Randy Cohen, The Ethicist the New York Times Magazine to leave the newspaper. I regret very much because I read his weekly column with great pleasure. He responded, so funny and always very human, letters from readers that undergoing ethical problems. "I say with shame burdens, there has Been no such gradual change in my own behavior. Writing the column has not made me even Slightly more virtuous. And I Did not Have to be: Was it in my contract. OK, it wasn 't. But It Should Have Been. I Was not hired to personify Virtue, to be a role model for the kids, But to write about virtue in a way Might readers find engaging. " In his farewell says But that is developing a program on public radio called A Question of Ethics . See you soon, I hope! nytmag .


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