Monday, February 14, 2011

All Nighterwood Stove

Giusy Ferreri SARA 'rewarded with a "SANREMO AWARDS" Giusy Ferreri

During the 61st Italian San Remo Song Festival, Friday, February 18 from 15 to 19 at the Palafiori of Sanremo, Sanremo Productions will deliver the "Sanremo Awards" to the best songs in the competition on the stage of the Teatro Ariston, to 'inside of a talk show hosted by Roberto Salvini and organized by the REA, which will be broadcast live, via satellite, Hot Bird 13 ° East, which will connect more than three hundred local radio and television stations and hundreds of websites.
The intent of the award is to emphasize the importance of the artistic work that is in the composition and creation of a piece of quality, because it is through the songs that you can make the Italian Song Festival, which otherwise would simply be a magnificent show.
To be honored by the San Remo Music Classic will Giusy Ferreri, Albano, Nathalie, Luca Madonia (author of the song contest Franco Battiato), Max Pezzali and Anansi. Tanks by James

News & Gasparro



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