Thursday, February 10, 2011

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LONDON (February 10, 2011) - There are thirteen songs that Giusy Ferreri has captured in his new album "My Universe" that will be released on February 16, during the the festival of San Remo, where there is competition among the big names with the song "The sea is immense."

"I'm living this eve Sanremo very well and with great enthusiasm and motivation - has assured the singer - I feel very comfortable because it is the right opportunity to present a new album with a new style, which marks a natural evolution of my artistic career, with more rock-sound, which I personally feel as a starting point, for having found myself un'esigenmza to rediscover my roots, when I felt good on stage, at ease, and with a wall of sound that ricosonosco. I was very fortunate to have known Tiziano Ferro, whose cooperation is but a bonus: meeting today myself. "

On stage of the Ariston, Giusy Ferreri sing a duet "The immense sea" with Francesco Sarcina de vibrations.

"This alliance is born from the fact that I carry on my stage band - admitted Giusy - In Italy the band that intrigue me are Negramaro, Marlene Kuntz, and, specifically, The Vibrators, Mark Trentacoste, producing five tracks on the album, was with them on stage, and here was born the ' idea of \u200b\u200bsinging a duet with Frank on the evening of duets. I always wanted to be the Vocalis a band, and I feel at this stage of the Ariston dress. "

Giusy Ferreri will perform with his band consists of Mark Trentacoste (guitar), Andrea Polidori (drums) and Andrea Torres (bass), who will accompany him along with the "Sanremo Festival Orchestra conducted by Robert Ross. During
evening dedicated to the unification of Italy 150 years Giusy ferreri sing "The sky in a room."

"It was just me Gianni Morandi in this indication - he told - I wanted the fact of repetition, and for this reason I had to bring propsoto" Malafemmena "that could be an experiment for me too. The indication of Morandi is still right because it is a historical piece that surrounds the world of the sixties and who will see the new with the help of Giuseppe Lucio Fabbri, for intenrci to Billie Holiday.

Expectations for the festival are related to the new Giusy ferreri album.

"My participation in the festival aims to exploit this window to show my musical evolution."

Many will wonder what to wear Giusy Ferreri in Sanremo.

"The clothes are Michele Del Prete, a designer specializing in bridal gowns Caserta - anticipated the singer - With the help of Gennaro Cosmo Parlato wear dresses in black lace, leather, sequins and orgsanza, with no transparency ".
Compared to previous work, "My Universe" has something more.
"Above all, consistency in style, ritch live, with songs that talk about subjects very close, as choices of thought, my personality, to women. "

Dolorosa Giusy Ferreri to specify what is the song that feels closer.

"sanremee The song, of course, by type of topic discussed in the text that talks about universal love, richieta of love then we must make life better, with the right energy. I am very Contet for the collaboration of Enrique Iglesias, one of my aesigenza Confrontation with him, and then there are the songs that motivated me in my scrittara, "poppy red" that talks about drugs, a great feeling with Rudy Marra.

Giusy Ferreri festival will dive at the end of the promotional tour in store with the whole band, and play in some cities in the theaters and then in summer in the outdoors.

Tanks News by James Gasparro, Antonio Paone &



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