Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blue Prints For Off Road Buggy


Last Friday we had the opportunity (thanks to Alessio !) to assist in the beautiful setting of MACRO, the presentation of AI, the magazine Altaroma.
Dedicated to the art of handmade , presents us with the rediscovery and appreciation of artisan tradition Made in Italy, with numerous features dedicated not only fashionable, but also to design, jewelry, food: D, the texile and Ethical Fashion.
Leafing through the pages of the magazine (out monthly) you enter a new world, dedicated attention to detail, to find the right combination of fabrics, colors and lights ... A world that opens the doors of a thousand workshops, giving us the opportunity to hear their story and to observe directly what goes on inside ... A dream come true.
We loved AI magazine from the first moment that we had in our hands ....
any of you had this?
Good week to all oh!


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