It 's time. time to dye their hair.
time to start yoga. O gymnastics. Or both.
time convinced that it is not 'more' summer.
time to write again on this blog.
's time to dye their hair' cause now the gray-white and not 'that peep, but require shamelessly at the sight of all.
time to exercise to lose those 5 extra pounds' so that annoy me .. (A friend told me that five pounds come and go .. but because 'insist on being only a part of my body?? - The backside, so to speak)
It' s time to forget the summer, because 'now I feel more' clear that the low temperatures are becoming the norm, and the change of color on the trees and 'a good indication that we are now in late autumn ..
But I do not know exactly because it 's time to start to write here. There is no 'apparent reason. I feel the need, 'even though I have not knows' that to offer, to write, to share.
But go ahead anyway. Stubborn as always. Dull and not caring about my limitations.
I spent almost all summer in Italy. I was there for 3 months, which seem so, but that we actually 'passed very quickly.
I did not do the tourists, I lived like everyone else, with some walking in the center, a pizza or two, and a couple of visits to the sea.
I lived everyday as if I'd never gone away. And it 's so I wanted to.
I saw friends. I saw my friends. Those people so that 'both are close to my heart and I miss immensely.
I practically lived at the home of A., my friend and that 'even a sister. And most do not know 'if I' more 'or more friends' sister.
I cried and I laughed. But most of all, I laughed.
I saw people I had not seen for years, decades. I've met wives of old classmates that I had never seen before and I was treated like I was their friend forever. And I have felt equally at ease. And not too surprised by it.
I met Alex
, and it 'was a piacerone!
I chatted, then, for hours and hours on the phone with
Fabius, that I infinitely regret not having met in person. But remedy.
I wanted to know other bloggers, but I was lazy and disorganized, and I apologize.
and more 'I think, and more' I write, and more 'I realize that my world as always, what is' really important to me is the people. I always return them '. They are not nice places, art, nature .. those are things that excite me too, but nothing like meeting the people. Nothing like being around people. Nothing like weave my life with those of others.
enriches me, challenges me, complete me. It makes me more 'me.
I see a piece of me in each friend with whom I spent time this summer. We have different lives, experiences different, but there 'something about me in all of them. This' we have learned, the conclusions we reached are the same.
We have learned to take more 'well, to accept ourselves as we are and also to accept the circumstances with more' peace, with more 'force, with more' honest '. We were stripped of those superstructures that life, and sometimes those around us, we had put on him. All those clothes and those masks that do not belong to us and we were close. 'Cause there you can' spend long hours in something you are so 'close to suffocation. Even when it seems a good thing.
And so ', once again, I'm back from Italy by bringing back old friends and new, bringing with me the hope and the realization that, yes ', there' still a lot of nice people around, despite what you hear on TV or read newspapers. Or that you live at times.
And I've found that the beautiful people.
What have I done to deserve it?